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Social Media

Is the future of social media interest-based networks?

Most businesses publish social media content to Twitter and Facebook, but will these two leading social media platforms be replaced by (more…)

You can’t control social media behaviour

As part of your content marketing campaign for social media, you can control your content, but you cannot control the (more…)

Is virtual reality the future of social media?

Virtual reality content has started to make an impression on social media, and looks like it will grow in the future.

In 2016 new virtual reality systems are (more…)

Why web and social media content marketing have different goals

Although web content and social content may overlap, it is important to be clear about the differences between a company website content and social media content. Content created for the web and content for social media have two different (more…)

How social media marketing deals with challenges

All businesses face challenges from time to time, and social media is a tool to deal with them. You need a content marketing strategy for both your own website and your social media that resolves these problems.

Common hurdles faced by businesses include: (more…)

Which social media sites should you use?

Creating content for lots of social media sites can be time consuming and counter-productive for your business. It is usually better to work smarter rather than harder, and concentrate on the top five sites. (more…)

Setting up the perfect Facebook page

An effective Facebook page can raise the profile of your business or brand and is not that difficult to set up, providing you follow some basic guidelines.


It is important to be placed under the correct business category. If your business has a physical location and serves a local community then it needs to be under the Local Business or Place category. Otherwise you need to choose between the Company Organization or Institution and Brand or Product categories.

After deciding on the main categories, there are sub categories to select. It could be that your business fits more than one category, in which case you need to choose the most relevant one.

Cover image

The cover image that appears at the top of your Facebook page is the first thing that people notice when landing on your page, so it is important that it makes an impact. This space is the place to brand your business. The cover image can contain text that features a brand tagline or slogan. It is worth hiring a professional graphic designer to crate the best cover image for you.

Company profile

The company profile is where you add your address and a full description of what your business does, its history and its values

Building a community

Once your page is set up, it’s time to add your first content. Share interesting images, news about your company, quotations and videos.

Once that’s done, you can go to the find friends section and start inviting people to join your community. Start with existing clients, business employees, and business contacts. If your content is interesting enough, your new friends will like your page and start spreading your brand.

Creating the perfect Facebook page takes great skill, but spending time to get it right will benefit your business.

Social media strategies for small businesses

If you are a small business owner, then you may have a limited budget to spend on social media marketing. This is why it is important that your social media strategy is targeted and effective. (more…)

How to create a social media plan

If your business does not have a social media presence then where do you start? You need a plan. (more…)

The professional Twitter guide

One of the most popular social media platforms is Twitter, and your business should have a presence on it. There are guidelines that professional business Twitter users need (more…)

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