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Creating high value engagement

So, you know your audience and the ways to drive traffic. You have metrics in place to measure that traffic and its effect on your business. Now you’ve got time to sit back with a nice cup of tea and a biscuit… surely?

Well, unfortunately, no. Simply  putting measures in place to drive traffic will not help you to achieve your business goals. Once your target audience are on your site, you need to ensure that the content is valuable to them and that they feel compelled to revisit regularly, in the hope that they’ll eventually become customers.

Here are some great ideas for business to business markets:

Getting out there

To engage readers, you must produce an eye-catching offer and various ways for people to see that message. This means branching out further than your website. Your tactics should also bring your message directly to your audience. For instance, you could send out emails, create podcasts and video content, use RSS or a mix of many.

Try a ‘Tip of Day’ that you can post on the website, by video and also RSS feeds. This will increase your following by opening up the different forms of access to appeal to a wider range of people. It will also encourage them to actively check-in to see what the next added-value tip is.

Help your targets to look good

You can quickly add value by supplying content that makes your potential customer shine in front of their boss. It may take a little research to unearth hidden insights into your target’s day-to-day challenges, but you’ll soon find great topics that will engage instantly.

Produce studies relevant to your targets with interesting statistics and guidelines on overcoming typical industry challenges. Not only will this offer valuable content, it will raise your company’s credibility and help you to convert audiences into high value, loyal customers.

So don’t put the kettle on just yet. Engage targets with high value content first.

Steven Morris

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