A guide to how Google works
It’s estimated that there are an incredible 60 trillion web pages across the world, and Google has the enormous task of reading and indexing the web. Here are some of the things it does: (more…)
Let Google teach you how to make a successful website
You may or may not be aware that Google has a free course that teaches you how to create a successful website, helping you to achieve a number of important aims: (more…)
Image SEO
Most people concentrate their search engine optimization (SEO) strategies on text but (more…)
The lowdown on social media content
Social media sites such as Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter are platforms to create and develop communities of people who are interested in your products and services. It’s worth remembering, therefore, that creating high quality content for (more…)
Who are your readers?
Readers want web content to be interesting, relevant and informative. Creating content that is (more…)
How Google’s guidelines can help you
Search engines such as Google and Bing do not publish the exact algorithms they use to rank sites, but Google has issued guidelines for webmasters, which explain some of (more…)
How high quality web content builds relationships
The goal of high quality web content should be to start and then cultivate a relationship with your readers.
Provide visitors with what they want
Visitors who (more…)
How to improve website content
Most businesses know that their website should contain lots of content, but many businesses overlook the essential fact that all (more…)