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The three-step content marketing habit

Content marketing is not a “do once and then forget” activity. Content marketing is like building a habit. To build a content marketing habit requires three simple and effective steps: (more…)

How social media marketing deals with challenges

All businesses face challenges from time to time, and social media is a tool to deal with them. You need a content marketing strategy for both your own website and your social media that resolves these problems.

Common hurdles faced by businesses include: (more…)

How important is originality in your content marketing?

There’s so much content on the internet nowadays, so it’s no surprise to see a lot of it duplicated. After all, plagiarizing someone else’s work can make your job easier, right? Wrong. The content included in your marketing needs to be original, and anything else may mean that your online marketing efforts (more…)

Social media is not just about you

Most successful businesses have a presence on social media as part of their content marketing campaign. However, many companies make the mistake of believing that social media is just about their business and how great their products and services are.

The key idea to remember is the word ‘social’. Social media is about communication and interaction with followers, potential followers and thought leaders. There are several principles that you need to follow to make your social media marketing a success: (more…)

High-quality website content starts with knowing your readers’ habits

To write content that engages your readers, it’s important to know how they typically behave. Here are some points to remember: (more…)