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Flexible future for digital marketing

Richard Bell

Recent research has suggested that online marketing is entering a more flexible period, with transient workers and a leaning towards contract staff.

That was the lead finding from a study that polled the opinions of more than 260 digital marketing executives, from firms working  in both the business-to-business and business-to-consumer industries. It discovered that many businesses had plans to change from a static workforce to a more elastic one.

There is an appetite for shifting a largely employed and permanent workforce to a body of staff offering greater flexibility. As well as permanent employees, the numbers of contract and freelance workers is likely to be boosted, along with farming out certain roles.

Search engine optimisation (SEO) is one area that is likely to see a lot of work outsourced, offering a more proactive way of delivering results. However, this area of marketing can be a bit of a mystery to many firms, despite it becoming increasingly important in the modern world.

Meanwhile, other results from the study revealed further changes to working practices, with one of the researchers on the project commenting:

“This is a shift. Marketing has not traditionally been about hiring contract resources.”

Presently, somewhere in the region of 40% of all firms in the UK are comprised of a workforce that is completely permanent. In the next 12 to 18 months, however, the study suggested that this figure could decline.

The findings point to a drop off of nearly half, with just 23% of companies expected to employ a 100% permanent workforce by the start of 2017.

Conversely, the present number of enterprises that have a fifty-fifty split of permanent and contracted members of staff is set to change. Under the study’s findings, it is expected that this will shift from 1% of companies now to 30% by the start of 2017.

Richard has a First in English Literature and Creative Writing, and has experience writing fiction and short stories (which he has published both online and in magazines).

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