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Getting content right for your customers

Ensuring your content is compelling enough to encourage repeat visits and conversions is the constant challenge for content marketers. Finding new ways to engage audiences is essential to achieving your business goals.

Here are some ways you can ensure your content remains fresh, relevant and engaging:

Ask your customers

This may seem like common sense, but very few companies actually ask their customers for feedback about their content preferences. It is very useful to know what types of content both existing and potential customers would like to see on the website or in whitepapers and studies. Welcoming input from customers can lead to some great content ideas.

High value content

One of the most effective ways to build a lasting customer relationship is to provide high value, premium articles, videos and graphics. Registration and a log in should be required to access this type of content. This works on two levels; firstly, potential customers feel privileged to be given access to compelling, useful content, and secondly, you are able to collect useful information. This offers great two-way value.

Showcase your team

You can develop engagement by encouraging key players within the company to contribute content on a regular basis. For your audience, this presents an opportunity to get to know your team and build a relationship with the company. Identify different experts who can provide content on their specialist area. You could also get players to produce content for a newsletter to help foster an online community. You can also encourage readers to ask your experts questions and provide feedback.

It is imperative that you keep your potential customers coming back for more. By creating relevant, engaging content, potential customers will feel compelled to revisit your site and, ultimately, choose to buy from you instead of your competitors.

Steven Morris

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