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Six common content marketing mistakes

Darren Jamieson

A key to understanding how to create great web content is knowing what to avoid. Here are six mistakes that content writers frequently make:

1. No credibility

Readers want to feel that your content is reliable and trustworthy, and simply reeling off opinions and claims is not enough to achieve this. Add respected industry sources for any claims and include quotes from trusted individuals.

2. Popups

A reader seeing an attention-grabbing headline wants to read the story behind it. If, before he gets to the story, a popup box appears offering a free report or a subscription request, then many visitors will simply go away.

It is better to entertain and inform people before requesting contact details.

3. Huge text blocks

Faced with large blocks of unbroken text, many visitors will feel overwhelmed, especially if viewing your site on mobile devices. Text should be broken up with headlines and images. An opening paragraph should provide a summary of the content to encourage visitors to read further.

4. Tiny graphics

A cool infographic may look great on a large screen monitor, but could be unreadable on a small mobile phone. Text can resize itself to be readable on all devices, but text in images cannot.

5. Not linking to related content

Individual content will usually not address all aspects of a topic. If your content is on a blog section, include links to related blogs so that readers will understand a topic in more depth and stay on your site longer.

6. Keyword stuffing

Most content marketing is built around keywords. You want content to contain keyword search phrases, but if too many keywords are stuffed unnaturally into an article, it will cease to be a good read.

To avoid these and other mistakes, use the professional content creators at Pressroom.

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