Six website statistics that can improve your web content
The following statistics are based on research, and bearing them in mind when creating content for your website could mean the difference between having the impact you want, as opposed to the impact you have to settle for:
1. Top ranking websites have at least 900 words of content per page
Sites with a high word count occupy higher positions in the search engine results. Focus on creating longer pieces of content, but be sure that you don’t pad your articles out. Keep them lean and mean!
2. 42.5 % of visitors are put off by poor spelling and grammar
Mistakes with your use of English may not obscure the meaning of an article in most cases, but with over so many readers reacting negatively, it is important to proofread your content, or even hire an editor to do this for you.
3. 79% of readers scan web pages
It is important to format your content using sub headings, bold type, short paragraphs and numbered or bulleted lists, so that people who scan for something in particular can easily find what they’re looking for.
4. Using case studies can increase sales by 185%
This figure was quoted by the digital marketer Neil Patel. The increase is due writing well researched posts with links to case studies and other resources that support your content. According to Google’s quality guidelines, ”high quality pages and websites need enough expertise to be authorities and trustworthy on their topic”.
5. Top ranked web pages have an average of seven images
Visitors find that articles or blog posts with images and videos are more engaging, and as such, they rank better in the search engines. Bear in mind that any picture you use needs to be at least 32 pixels by 32 pixels to count as an image by Google.
6. 90% of number one ranking sites have a least one internal self-referencing link
It is importance to use relevant anchor text that links to related internal pages.
Research provides valuable statistics that can influence the creation of high quality web content.
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