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Why web and social media content marketing have different goals

John Murray

Although web content and social content may overlap, it is important to be clear about the differences between a company website content and social media content. Content created for the web and content for social media have two different goals.

Social media content goals

Social media content has four main aims:
1. Creating an audience of followers
2. Listening to and talking to your audiences
3. Distributing information to raise the brand awareness of your business.
4. Encouraging your audience to visit your web site.

Many people will come across your company first through social media. It is then important to direct readers to your web site. Remember, social media platforms are not owned by your business, so you cannot control them. If Facebook, as it has done in the past, makes major changes, then this can dilute your social media presence.

Web content goals

Your website is solely controlled and operated by your business. Many people believe that the one aim of web content is to increase the customer base and increase revenue. Whilst this may be the ultimate aim, many businesses forget that a website should build relationships with its readers. Unless you operate an ecommerce site to rival Amazon, visitors will rarely buy from you on their first visit.

Converting readers to subscribers is perhaps the most valuable goal for web content. Subscriptions to regular emails are the best way to develop a relationship with visitors. Regularly sending subscribers valuable and reliable information will encourage them to trust your brand and subsequently become customers.

Knowing the difference between web content and social media content is the key to a successful content marketing campaign. To have high quality content written for your business, talk to us at Pressroom.

John is every inch the wordsmith and loves a game of Scrabble above all else. With experience writing for newspapers, John’s time at university was spent studying Creative Writing – something which comes across in his love of the pun.

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